Welcome to the Arizona Governor's Regulatory Review Council

This site is a service to provide the public with information about the Arizona Governor's Regulatory Review Council (Council), assistance available from Council staff, and the rulemaking process for Arizona regulations.

For most agencies, the Council is the final step in the rulemaking process for Arizona regulations. The Council reviews Arizona regulations to ensure that they are necessary and to avoid duplication and adverse impact on the public. The Council also assesses whether Arizona regulations are beneficial, clear, consistent with legislative intent, legal, and within the agency's statutory authority. If an Arizona regulation does not meet these criteria, the Council may return it to the agency for further consideration. The Council also reviews reports on existing Arizona regulations.

The Secretary of State, not the Council, is responsible for the publication of Arizona regulations. The Arizona Administrative Code and the Arizona Administrative Register are intended to be the authoritative sources for Arizona regulations.

For More Information

Public Meetings Notice:

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, the Council is providing this notice regarding the physical and electronic locations where all public notices regarding public meetings are posted. The Council posts all public notices, including agendas and minutes, electronically on under the "Meetings" tab and also posts meeting agendas on the Arizona Public Meetings website.

Arizona Public Meetings website

For more information, please call (602) 542-2058 or email [email protected].